epsg 4326 degrees to meters. Reproject Map. epsg 4326 degrees to meters

 Reproject Mapepsg 4326 degrees to meters  To convert a GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries you need to provide the

ShareEPSG:4326 is measured in degrees, but EPSG:32612 is measured in metres. UoM: m. Instead, if you want to express length in meters, you have to transform your geometries from WGS84 to a. The current version, WGS 84, defines an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system and a geodetic datum, and also describes the associated Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) and World Magnetic Model (WMM). My original dataset looks like this: 0 POLYGON ((-97. Jul 20, 2018 at 21:37. Share on: T Q. This CRS is useful as a kind of wild card when no CRS were explicitly specified. EPSG:6425 Projected coordinate system for United States (USA) - California - counties Imperial; Orange; Riverside; San Diego. You can use the search on the site to find an EPSG code. The most commonly used coordinate systems are the WGS 84 Long Lat (SRID=4326) spherical coordinate system and the Mercator (EPSG:3785) projected coordinate system. Try using WG8 84 with units in degrees. EPSG:2414 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E. My other constraint is working in a Pseudo-Mercator projection, which is only generating the vector grid to the nearest Degree. epsg:4121 - ggrs87 EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 Greece - onshore. EPSG:2703 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 31°30'E and 34°30'E. Axes: westing, southing (Y,X). 4326 is the EPSG code for WGS 84 lon/lat. Not used offshore in. (from the. EPSG:4326 and IGNF:WGS84G It looks like both of them do not fit because of the map distorted in both cases. For example, if I try to set my grid spacing to 16. Now I want to use map in degree units. 076 I have the following data structure. 0, the axis order mandated by the authority defining a CRS is by default honoured by the OGRCoordinateTransformation class, and always exported in WKT1. 0 2425478. latitude/longitude. Plot ID X_meters Y_meters M1 0. 001° of longitude. EPSG:4326. 001 to find nearby points. Transform coordinates for position on a map - converting latitude / longitude degrees. As stated by @alphabetasoup EPSG:4326 is indeed not a projected CRS, but taking a set of longlat values and plotting them on cartesian graph (e. Information from provider Storage ESRI Shapefile Encoding ISO-8859-1 Geometry Polygon (MultiPolygon) Extent -17336426. –DWITHIN(geom, Point(lon lat), distanceInMeters, meters) then I get correct results within the specified radius. The simplest way to transform coordinates in Python is pyproj, i. 32 to covert to km). 000000197720465). Coordinates on a map - pick GPS lat & long or coordinates in a projection system. 4336819°, 4. it seems it required to be cast twice: INSERT INTO buffers SELECT id_points, CAST (ST_Buffer (CAST (points. e. I’ve tried several: 2. Add a comment. What is the difference between WGS84 and EPSG 4326? It seems like for a given dataset it might be both WGS84 and EPSG:4326. geotools. UoM: m. WGS 84 - WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - EPSG:4326ANGLEUNIT["degree (supplier to define representation)",0. I would use geopandas for this, as it has a convenient . First you need to reproject the GeoDataFrame to a different CRS which units is either meter or feet, and then measure the area using areaattribute. Now I want to use map in degree units. And the conversion depends on the latitude of the points, as 1 degree at the equator will be less meters than 1 degree at high latitudes. EPSG:2422 Projected coordinate system for China - west of 76°30'E. g. EPSG:4326 is in degrees - 3D sphere; EPSG:3857 is in metres - 2D projection; If I say Paris is: A) Lat(48. The definition switched to using the WGS84 ellipsoid (EPSG:4326), rather than the sphere. 5818088) (lat, lon) –Scope: Geodesy. 10 20,026,376. Even when I set the OpenStreetMap layer to EPSG 3857 it seems to be a completely different scale. Sep 17, 2021 at 6:19. I want to use coordinates in degrees with EPSG:4326 so I initilize layer with: base_layer. I suspect that I'm supposed to change the scale value in reproject(crs, crsTransform, scale), but this value is supposed to be set in meters, which. I have another 50% polygon data in EPSG:4326. geotools. The method ST_Area can perform the calculation but returns the answer in the used coordinate. 347945557 are not that. 4, PROJ 6. referencing. Spatial referencing. if you are not at the equator (and even if you are, but then the difference can be neglected in most applications), then 1 degree of latitude does not represent the same distance on the surface of the Earth than 1 degree of longitude. My other constraint is working in a Pseudo-Mercator projection, which is only generating the vector grid to the nearest Degree. select * from users where st_dwithin (location, st_setsrid (st_point (126. 86424016952515 36. Data should not be permitted to exceed 3-4 degrees into neighboring zones; if it does, UTM is the wrong projection, and you should use a conic (e. These look square in WGS84, but wouldn't be square when measured. The current map coordinates are still shown in Decimal Degrees. Hi @MichaelDelgado, you are correct I want Lat/ Lon in degrees, so it will be EPSG:4326 is WGS84 (lat/lons on a geoid). Latitude (φ - phi) is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that. CRS; CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = CRS. I tried ST_distance_sphere and st_dwithin which can use metres, but if I do that, the explain shows that the index. To do this conversion programmatically, other SO questions will help. . The results are aligned with GIS data from. Running a WMS that. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E (code 2384). parseFloat(end[0]); return gis. There is no exact conversion to meters from 4326 degrees. Axes: northing, easting (N,E). Thus putting the degree extent of the data as the corners as arguments for "a_ullr" puts the image basically at the Equator/PM intersection since -97 longitude is considered 97 meters west of the PM. Find a coordinate system and get position on a map. Share Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have All points are stored with SRID=4326. I wonder what is the straightest way. But I want to use metres. Sudan. Feature. In this class, we will use EPSG:3857 WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) with units in meters. You must reproject your data into EPSG:4326 for getting degrees in WGS84. 13. . Reproject your data back into source CS (EPSG:4326). Porting any of those code fragments to Objective-C or Swift. tif reprojected. – Messypuddle the CRS you have selected is epsg. 0 m, code 8643 (default)Your output EPSG:32632 is WGS84/UTM 32N with units in meters. 12 9. Ghana - onshore. Is there any solution to change the unit from degrees to meters for a global map? I'd be thankful for your help. EPSG:2414 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E. GeoPandas can accept anything accepted by pyproj. 63 degrees N and one degree in meters is not as long along the latitude than along the longitude. (from the same source). Thus, to get the point located. Proj (init='epsg:4326') The pyproj library can build a Proj object from an EPSG code. . 000000197720465). Proj("+init=EPSG:28992") pyproj. Data should not be permitted to exceed 3-4 degrees into neighboring zones; if it does, UTM is the wrong projection, and you should use a conic (e. From what I understand about EPSG:4326 this is correct, too. 0219764762329 0 0 20000001 0 85. Zone width 3 degrees. Adding "-a_ullr" seemed to work and the color shading code is fine, but it wants meters and not degrees. 24081m. 970769, 37. Download ZIP. EPSG:32403 Projected coordinate system for Between 168°W and 162°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. >>> line = LineString([(0, 0), (180, 0), (360, 0)], srid=4326) >>> line. – ANGLEUNIT["degree (supplier to define representation)",0. Some examples of geographic coordinate reference systems: WGS84 (EPSG:4326), NAD83 (EPSG:4269), and NAD83(2011) (EPSG:6318), ETRS89 (EPSG:4258). EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. g. Spatial referencing. Current CRS is EPSG:3857. When I switch to the geometry viewer, it will place my point in Africa. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). Thus, when you run ST_Buffer on a EPSG:4326 geometry, the output is given in degrees of lat/lon. You must reproject your data into EPSG:4326 for getting degrees in WGS84. WGS84 (EPSG 4326) is a geographic coordinate system with Lat/long coordinates in degree. Military survey. prj of the shapefile all state they are in EPSG 32642, my points keep rendering at 0,0, and coordinates are still in decimal degrees rather than. With the changed. e. So if I tell the library I want a buffer with a distance of 5 it will give me back a buffer with a radius of 5 degrees around my point. Not sure if this is part of the issue, but EPSG:4326 is WGS84 (lat/lons on a geoid) and is NOT Mercator. I have a shapefile that is currently in WGS84/UTM zone 19S. Zoom to a scale of 1:5 000 000 again, as before. 44573128938707 25. But they are in degrees and not meters or feet. After googling I know that degrees is my unit. Available transformations to EPSG:4326. Area of use: World. I have tried this set of steps several times. Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to. How can I convert projection coordinates into the meters so that I can plot the heat map?The Pixel Size is 0. Raster reprojection involves creating a new raster object, often. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping. 10. EPSG:32615) are specified in metres. Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 57 (code 2574). WGS 84) is not a projection. EPSG:4326, also known as the WGS84 projection (because it’s based on WGS84’s ellipsoid), is a coordinate system used in Google Earth and GSP systems. ol3 - calculate real meters in epgs 3857. The following example converts the station coordinates of two German stations to the regionally used Gauß-Krüger system. Even geocentric coordinates (e. Replaces CH1903/LV03 (code 21781). Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 40 (code 2364). ops import transform. 3047997101815 m. Search Map Transform About. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). st_crs ("EPSG:4326") #> Coordinate Reference System: #> User input: EPSG:4326 #> wkt:. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Consequently CRS created with the "EPSG:4326" or "WGS84" strings use the latitude first, longitude second axis order. But how do I directly pass meters as 3rd parameter. NAD27 (EPSG: 4267) ##Old version of NAD83 Projected (Easting/Northing)Note, I understand that a degree corresponds to a different number of meters, depending on where on earth the imagery or geography is captured. and vice-versa:EPSG:2414 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E. Is that possible to get it in one query after having created a buffer table with the URM SRID? Like: To convert a WGS84 coordinate you get from iOS in the tool, you should: select EPSG:4326 for input; select EPSG:3857 for output; and input coordinates as longitude;latitude (for example: -122. addOptions({ sphericalMercator: true, projection: new OpenLayers. 12 8. WGS84 (EPSG: 4326) ## Commonly used by organizations that provide GIS data for the entire globe or many countries. Transforms using the pipeline= argument may fail if there is ambiguity in the axis order of the specified coordinate reference system; if you need the traditional GIS order, use "OGC:CRS84", not "EPSG:4326". e. Center coordinates500000. 34 20037508. geom AS geography), 100 , 'quad_segs=8') AS geometry) AS geom from points. 93)", "LINESTRING (-2. Find a coordinate system and get position on a map. The coordinates are being transformed from EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator, units = meters) to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84 / geographic, units = degrees) For example, here is the coordinates from your screenshot transformed from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857. 5277099609375)',4326),32630)) As check; 2) To get the UTM zone from a lat/long. Transforming EPSG:25831 to EPSG:4326 in Decimal Degrees format. EPSG:6893 Compound coordinate system for World. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E (code 2384). 7 centimeters, which result you can get with this procedure: Find the long/lat coordinates for the EPSG:3857 coordinates: gdaltransform -s_srs epsg:3857 -t_srs epsg:4326 0 20000000 0 85. sphericalCosinus(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2); }, /** * All coordinates expected EPSG:4326 * @param {number} lat1 Start Latitude * @param {number} lon1 Start Longitude *. Using 4326, you can get your desired values (40. 8035119101405144,-3669673. EPSG:4258 - ETRS89. Transform coordinates for position on a map - converting latitude / longitude degrees. Not used offshore in oil industry. I want to transform these coordinates to EPSG:4326 in Decimal Degrees format. geometry line_string = ["LINESTRING (-1. WGS84 UTM has zones that cover the whole world; you can determine from the coordinates whether it's north or south of equator and which zone it's in. 4326) A pyproj. EPSG:3338 Projected coordinate system for United States (USA) - Alaska. shp as layer to the current project. We are developing Geographical Information System for Korean company. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 84E (code 2373). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). I have read that in order to do it, I need to transform EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 which uses meters. I'm trying to reproject a 500m MODIS image into 0. Calculate geometry in decimal degrees from a point feature. How to get the distance of two point geometry in meters using NetTopologySuite. 5° longlat for comparison with climate data. Projection(‘EPSG:3857’), and the desProj should be OpenLayers. 4326) A pyproj. From epsg. I would like to create 100 meters circle buffers in a UTM projection from a point table whose SRID is EPSG:4326 and keeping the id column. Replaces Pulkovo 1942(58) / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 5 (CRS code 3838). Transforms using the pipeline= argument may fail if there is ambiguity in the axis order of the specified coordinate reference system; if you need the traditional GIS order, use "OGC:CRS84", not "EPSG:4326". If software cannot handle latitude of origin 90°N, use latitude of origin = 50°47'57. Share on T Q. 408917;37. ProjCRS sometimes found in metric form: 1 Gold Coast foot = 0. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Projection("EPSG:900913"); var p0 =. Transforms using the pipeline= argument may fail if there is ambiguity in the axis order of the specified coordinate reference system; if you need the traditional GIS order, use "OGC:CRS84", not "EPSG:4326". Now i need a distance matrix between stores and customers but the result is in decimal degrees i think. is_projected # True crs3857. echo 616928 6877084 | gdaltransform -s_srs epsg:25829 -t_srs epsg:4326. Try using WG8 84 with units in degrees. decode("EPSG:4326"); The example above assumes you have gt-epsg-hsql jar on your CLASSPATH. Hence the degree unit you are proposed. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. This can be referred to using the authority code "EPSG:4326". 1) The coordinates in (EPSG) 4326 are long/lat, and they are in decimal degrees. EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. 4326) A pyproj. is_projected # False crs4326. I have small points like these but they get enlarged as if I had set the projection to a lat/lon type. However, this value decreases as you move toward the poles due to the Earth’s curvature. CRSEPSG:31370 Projected coordinate system for Belgium - onshore. 001 degrees across for EPSG:4326 vs. Knowing this is not mathematically possible I'm accepting the following limitations: Poles don't need coverage - from lat -75 to lat 75 is sufficient. 000000197720465,-0. It is said that unit of measure for EPSG:3857 is the metre. json doesn't have a reference for it. Germany - states of former East Germany onshore east of 13°30'E - Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen. g. EPSG:4326 are polar coordinates, but EPSG:32612 are cartesian coordinates. 0 Global | EPSG:6933 entry by clicking on it, and then click OK. I now get those weird ones: It surprised me because, when using my Shape2Sql. EPSG:4378) are based on an ellipsoid as they don't necessarily have the same centres. EPSG:2676 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 124°30'E and 127°30'E. it's safer to use the EPSG code or to be sure to have the full. 4 library. I tried to figure out how EPSG:4326 is defined and at. I know that I can use proj4 for that. gdaltransform -s_srs epsg:4326 -t_srs epsg:3857 10 30 1113194. Perhaps, Openlayer's implementation can be interpreted as: if EPSG:4326 is specified as a projection, OL will handle it in some manner. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 39 (code 2363). EPSG:2420 Projected coordinate system for China - between 130°30'E and 133°30'E. I'm having a bit of trouble with projecting a DataFrame in GeoPandas from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 in a notebook. This can be referred to using the authority code "EPSG:4326". in square meters or hectares). Latitude-Longitude; Degrees DT_NAME: WGS84 EPSG: 4326 GROUP: LL MAP_SCL: 1 PROJ: LL QUAD: 1 SCL_RED: 1 SOURCE: Mentor Software UNIT: DEGREE. js I'm trying to convert my shapefile with spTransform(), but it's not successful. You have to provide the parameters explicitly, as shown here. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 37 (code 2361). Example of one coordinate: x= 539746,19 y= 4743262,723 I know that I. csv as a . right-click on layer and select Save As. So if you want a 500 meter buffer. The method is fully documented at Geomatics Guidance Note No 7, part 2 There's an mathematical example at page 40 where you can use to cross-reference your code. For projections with degrees as the unit this will simply return the provided resolution. So from 10° 1' 2. wgs84=pyproj. Horizontal component of 3D system. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). EPSG:2607 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 91°30'E and 94°30'E. For applications with an accuracy of better than 1m replaced by NAD83 (HARN) in the US and PRVI and by NAD83 (CSRS) in Canada. , Albers Equal Area). 504430770874 What operation Proj is using can be checked with projinfo. 3. 34 20037508. Isle of Man onshore. I have a Series of locations in standart lat, lon float degrees format, and need to calculate buffer around them in meters. 00045 for each), and the angle between them (which will be 45° here since the sides are equal-length). To convert a single coordinate. Then try your. I have two points on a EPSG:4326 layer. EPSG:2726 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 100°30'E and 103°30'E. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Latitude (𝜙) and Longitude (𝜆) on an ellipsoid. So the correct transformed coordinate would be: (56. Used as the coordinate base for creation of digital terrain models (DTMs) for the International. get the area in square meters of a polygon using shapely and pyproj. Starting with GDAL 3. A particular SRS specification (for example, "Universal Transverse. referencing. Each system has its native units and GDAL is respecting those. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). Orientations: north, east. 2. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). 86666667mCoordinate Conversions. 2768485) B) Lat(6250962. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E (code 2384). Set project CRS (EPSG:32642/WGS 1984 UTM 42N); Import the . By default, QGIS starts each new project using a global default projection. Pixel size and pixel spacing are used interchangeably, as the concept of overlapping pixels is generally ignored. In QGis you can change the coordinate reference system of your layer to WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) - which it could be already with the data coming from a different source or previous CRS - and then use the field calculator to calculate the geometry that you are looking for (assuming that your fields in meters represent something that can be. Viewed 1k times 0 I have the following data structure. >>> line. While the . Russian Federation - onshore. . CRS. . Starting with GDAL 3. . 4 strings. e. 555479), 5186), 1) This query gives me 32792923 rows which is all data in the table. defs function (proj4. Truncated form of Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 25 (code 2401). i created a point layers of store locations and customers in Florida by given coordinates (WGS 84 EPSG: 4326). pointid distance lat long where pointid is a list of points, distance is distance of point from feature (calculated in QGIS in geographical units under a EPSG::4326 reference system), and lat and long are the coordinates of that point. To convert a GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries you need to provide the. 808183, 37. EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. EPSG:27700 Projected coordinate system for United Kingdom (UK) - offshore to boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E; onshore Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). Pyproj expects degrees (lon, lat) or meters (x,y) as units but the unit of Projection: 2263 isUNIT["US survey foot". , therefore you need to use preserve_units=True. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large and medium scale). EPSG:31467 Projected coordinate system for Germany - former West Germany onshore between 7°30'E and 10°30'E - states of Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamberg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rhineland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein. EPSG:4231 - ED87. 4 introduced coordinate reference systems (CRSs), with a focus on the two major types: geographic (‘lon/lat’, with units in degrees longitude and latitude) and projected (typically with units of meters from a datum) coordinate systems. which is ~EPSG:54001, except that units are not meters but degrees. now both my shapefile and the project are in EPSG:4326, so unprojected: Here the rough measurement of my shapefile, with the. Without changing the database, can you retrieve this information (lat lat in decimal degrees) in java? I'm trying but I can not. It doesn't have to be exactly 1km, just that order of magnitude. We were using Geotools library for mulitiple backend implementations. M meter in north direction = M *(1/111111) degrees lat; M meter in east direction = M *(1/(111111*cos. Changing the projection of the map to EPSG:4326 and then saving the layer as CSV worked. 0008333 degrees or 3 arc-seconds. This can be referred to using the authority code "EPSG:4326". 9982 24. Türkiye (Turkey). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). This roughly corresponds to 90 meter pixels. e. 782683 ). Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). select st_distance (st_setsrid (st_makepoint (126. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 132E (code 2441). Features that cannot be transformed are returned as empty geometries. from_crs("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326") transformer. Horizontal component of 3D system. crs to epsg:4326, but your data are clearly not epsg:4326 (lat/long max values are 180, e. But unfortunately, the resulting files do not match the output visualized in the Panoply software. 6374,4826473. I'm currently trying to figure out how vesselfinder. As far as I understand I need to convert CRS to WGS 84. PROJ or PROJ. The geometry type supports both planar and spatial objects. Import a CVS file (see data below) into QGIS as a text delimited layer with Geometry Definition: Point coordinates and the default Geometry CRS: EPSG:4326-WGS 84. ). Then I made a buffer, but I can't transform the buffer back to to degrees. gdalwarp assumes that you have provided an orthorectified image. As far as I understand I need to convert CRS to WGS 84. Pulkovo 1942(83) / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 5 (CRS code 2399) but with axis order reversed (and axis. For example, if I have an SF data frame that uses the WGS84 co-ordinate reference system (EPSG:4326), I would like to be able to determine that the co-ordinates are specified in decimal degrees. EPSG:2413 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E. exe tool, I always check the 'Set SRID 4326' option. The CRS must be changed to a projected CRS for any spatial analysis or measurements. Convert EPSG::4326 degrees to km, given coordinates. 62) I have 50% polygon data in EPSG:25832. I have tried the save as - browse - WGS84 EPSG:4326 but this appears: Export to vector file failed. A graticule, or more specifically a Geographic Reference System, is a means by which to reference locations on the Earth using a system of angles. e. This spatial data has a coordinate reference system (CRS), typically EPGS: 4326 unprojected geographic coordinates, i. So STDistance (), STArea (),. Proj (init='epsg:4326') The pyproj library can build a Proj object from an EPSG code. In QGis you can change the coordinate reference system of your layer to WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) - which it could be already with the data coming from a different source or previous CRS - and then use the field calculator to calculate the geometry that you are looking for (assuming that your fields in meters represent something that can be calculated. EPSG:4258 - ETRS89. Section 2. Hi Yogesh, Thanks for your further information, and sorry for missing " my own co-ordinate’s because it is for google map" in your statment, from this statement your maker srcProj should be OpenLayers. 06) Lon(253457. EPSG:32611 Projected coordinate system for Between 120°W and 114°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). EPSG:3395. Pixel. 9982 24. EPSG:2641 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - Kaliningrad - onshore between 19°30'E and 22°30'E. So I need to change to EPSG:3857 and then it will work. The original view (EPSG:3857) was following: After changing to CRS to. Only on top of the Equator one degree is as long in both directions. Projected bounds: -20,026,376. I would like to extract the unit of measurement (decimal degrees, metres, feet, etc.